Conscious Relating

The foundation of conscious relating is empathy, compassion and vulnerability. When these are present, we can truly see and reflect each other, and listen with-out needing to change the other for our own comfort. We can allow for what is and chose what is most loving for us.


We begin with the relationship with self. Inner child work often reveals base feelings about ourselves that drive our realities and attract what needs to be healed. We reclaim the beauty of our existence. YES, you are worthy, valuable, lovable. You never need to make some-one else love or accept you. This work is learning to fully accept yourself, and if you wish to change, this is best done in a safe space of inner acceptance, not resistance. How do you express your heart? How do you self soothe when you are hurt? How do you communicate pain in a way that doesn’t shut you and others down?


Our lover/s, partner, companion, is our reflection and our teacher. They reflect to us our deepest beauty and show us where we get triggered so we can hold that trigger in our responsibility and dissolve the believe system hidden within that to longer serves us.

Relating is about how you show up with your presence, your eye contact, your smile, your heart.

What I offer is a safe non-judgmental space, deep listening, insight, wisdom and the sharing of practices. We can do practices together or I can guide you and your partner through them. These include tantric dyads, identifying attachment styles, understanding and use of love languages, non-violent communication, creating boundaries and building the skills to have a repair conversation.