I was sailing in the ocean on a tiny handcrafted boat with some-one I was in love with. The current and wind were taking us gently to the destination we had chosen and the sun was illuminating the sparse clouds and shining golden warmth on our skin. The water was a sheet of rippling metal blue and I felt at one with all that is, complete and in utter bliss.

Then, we had a misunderstanding that triggered a core wound in him and finding the pain intolerable, he broke up with me. The sky was not bright anymore because I didn’t have the capacity to see it. The world ceased to exist beyond the little boat which was a dark, horrible place where I felt deeply lonely and isolated and worst of all - - - had no escape.

This brought to mind how this is the case for most of us. When our relationships go well and our basic needs for intimacy is being met, we feel great. We may still have challenges with all kinds of other things but in love, these feel surmountable. The deepest pain that many of us has felt is heart break, betrayal, abandonment.

This is one of the things that drives me to find this realm of relating so pertinant. Love and intimacy play such a central role in our well-being, provide joy and meaning. We all have one thing in common; we want to love and be loved. I want to help people heal the places in them that stop themselves from finding, experiencing and being love. To help people feel comfortable with themselves and eachother. To meet in place where sex can be the best they’ve ever imagined by letting in the parts that stayed hidden, even to themselves, be revealed. Dissolving shame.

There is a vast world out there; I invite you to get your feet wet and dive in! The boat has left the shore and the journey ahead is incredible.
