Couple's Touch

Touch is often the center point of a couple’s relationship; we need to respond favorably to the touch of our lover and want more! In this video I am demonstrating many different techniques to try together and have a fun time while doing it.

Right now, the covid epidemic has swept across the land, and although I have claimed in all the ways I can that my work is virtual only at this time, the phones are ringing off the hook. People just want to be touched! It is hard to be isolating alone and it is hard to not be with a partner at this time, when being held and comforted, or being in a mutual fit of passion that relieves our life’s concerns are all you want.

Touch is one of the primary five languages. If it is yours, touch makes you feel loved, cherished and connected. It releases serotonin which is the hormone that makes you feel happy. It can help you feel more alive and either relaxed or invigorated, depending on the intention and kind of touch. The lack of satisfaction and fulfillment in this department, as I have seen in clients, is what makes people look elsewhere other than their partners. Touch skills shouldn’t be overlooked or neglected.

How do you like to give and receive touch? I love to fall into that intuitive flow where I can feel the muscles under the skin through rhythmic breath and dissolve completely into the sensation, the music . . . become one with them and feel their relaxation increase through me. It is like a prayer.
